(English), (Korean), (Chinese), is a Korean traditional Martial Art mainly focus on feet techniques.
The Literal meaning or translation of TaeKwonDo is "Foot, hand, art". Tae stands for kicking, Kwon means punching, and Do is the way of art; however, TaeKwonDo means much more than kicking and punching. It is an educational way to enhance our spirit and life with discipline, and it is a non-violent art that physically conditions the entire body and teaches a peaceful way of life.
TaeKwonDo has three main steams in the United States of Ameria. International TaeKwonDo Federation (ITF), American TaeKwonDo Association (ATA) and World TaeKwonDo Federation (WTF / KUKKIWON). Brother's TaeKwonDo has studied under the organization of World TaeKwonDo Federation as Olympic Sport since 1992. |